empty KA Blushing Flames
Bay Thoroughbred mare customized from the Moody, "Infinity," and owned by Marion Keefe, created in 1998

empty empty KA Krymson Tyde
Bay Thoroughbred gelding customized from the Originalities resin, "The Winner Returns," and owned by Marion Keefe, created in 1998


KA Mannington Boy

Bay Thoroughbred gelding customized from an unknown Stablemate-scale plastic model and owned by Marion Keefe, created in 1998

empty KA YouDontSay
Chestnut Thoroughbred mare customized from the Breyer Stablemate Native Dancer

empty KA In the Mood
Brown Thoroughbred stallion customized from the Breyer Stablemate Thoroughbred with a Seabiscuit head and owned by Marion Keefe

empty Khans Flight of Fancy
Black hunter-clipped Thoroughbred mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Halla and owned by Wendy Atkinson

empty KA Livewire
Chestnut Thoroughbred colt customized from the Chris Jolly Scandalous Jack resin in 2000.

empty Name unknown
Palomino colt customized from the Chris Jolly Scandalous Jack resin, created for Karen Donn in 2000.

empty KA Royal Request
Grey Thoroughbred/Irish Draught show hunter mare customised from the Animal Artistry mini Welsh "C" resin and owned by Marion Keefe, created in 1998

empty KA Mill Alert
Chestnut Irish Draught customised from the Animal Artistry Irish Draught resin, created in 2000.

empty KA Mjolner
Dapple bay Holsteiner gelding customized from the Chaney Mini Welsh Pony and owned by Marion Keefe

empty Name unknown
Buckskin warmblood stallion customized from the Breyer Stablemate Warmblood, created in 1999

empty KA Afrikar
Palomino pinto Wamblood customized from the Chaney Welsh section C for Robin Kilbury in 2001

empty KA Automatik
Black Dutch Warmblood gelding customized from the Breyer Stablemate Morgan Stallion and owned by Amy Peck

empty Name unknown
Black Fresian stallion customized from the Horsing Around Lippizanner Stallion, for Mac and Vanessa Crawley in 2001.

empty Name unknown
Grey Thoroughbred stallion customized from the Breyer stablemate TB??, in 1999.

empty Name unknown
Palomino warmblood customized from the Horsing Around 'Seren' resin for Bernadette O'Niel of the UK. Created in 2001.

empty Name unknown
Black Freisen stallion customized from the Eberl mini Fresian resin for Vera Kobsa of Germany. Created in 2002.

empty Name unknown
Dapple grey Thoroughbred customized from the Breyer Stablemate running Thoroughbred for Nicole Hertzog of the USA. Created in 2001

empty Name unknown
Dapple rose grey Thoroughbred customized from the Originalities resin for Laura Graham of the UK. Created in 1999.

empty Name unknown
Chestnut Thoroughbred customized from the Horsing Around 'Apollo' resin for Helen Cooke of the UK. Created in 2002.

empty Name unknown
Bay Lippizan customized from the Horsing Around Lippizan resin. Created in 2002.

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