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Bay sabino mustang stallion customized by Chris Jolly from the Morgen Kilbourn El Embosco resin; created 2006.

Bitty Bosco (SM scale of El Embosco)

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Unpainted copy of Kiger mustang stallion customized from the Morgen Kilbourn Bitty Bosco resin; released 2009.

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Palomino mustang stallion customized from the Morgen Kilbourn Bitty Bosco resin; created 2010.

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Black roan tobiano mustang stallion customized from the Morgen Kilbourn Bitty Bosco resin; created 2010.

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Chestnut overo Spanish Mustang, customized by Sommer Prosser from the Morgen Kilbourn Bitty Bosco resin. Images provided by Sommer Prosser.

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Grulla Spanish Mustang, customized by Sommer Prosser from the Morgen Kilbourn Bitty Bosco resin. Images provided by Sommer Prosser.

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020