This was the first resin by Kathleen to be cast and sold as an open run by DaBar. She is just as popular a resin today as when she was introduced several years ago, and it's easy to see why...she's beautiful!
Name Unknown
Palomino sabino overo Pintabian mare customized by
Kathleen Moody
Cristal au Plomb
Dapple grey Arabian mare customized by Kathleen Moody
and owned by Shannon Rodgers
Dapple chestnut Arabian mare customized by Sarah
Minkiewicz Name Unknown
Dapple chestnut Arabian mare customized by Thomas
Bainbridge Tenaya
Bay Arabian mare customized by Richard Clark and
owned by Kate Cabot Madame Tempest
Dapple grey mare customized by Laurie Jensen and
owned by Paris Mangelsdorf
Rose grey (chestnut going grey) Arabian mare customized
by Allie Davidson Ehlana Rey
Dapple grey mare customized by Thomas Bainbridge
Nairobi Rose
Dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the Kathleen
Moody resincast, "Minuet," by Jackie Hamilton and owned
by Ildze Ekmanis Name Unknown
Blue unicorn mare customized by Kathleen Moody
Name Unknown
Unpainted resin. Image provided by Elizabeth Hinterkeuser.
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