OK, you've got the show set up and are waiting for entries to arrive and judging.
Keeping track of each shower's photos and making sure they are returned is important.
As each entry arrives, note the following:
After checking in each entry, the photos should be "pre-sorted" into their first classes.
A shoe box or say the top of a ten-ream box of paper make good containers to store photos before they are laid out and judged.
Between each class, a divider is needed. Ideally, there are enough dividers so that all the classes in a whole show have space, but as "halter" judging usually has breed, finish, color and gender sections, only dividers for the largest two sections are needed.
A scale is important to know the correct weight of packages/envelopes so the proper postage can be determined.
And don't forget to find time to clear the judging table of anything that may be there otherwise.
If you are starting a show train, all of the items not related to show entries should be set aside for use at the end of the train. A list of entrants and number of photographs, etc., should be generated for the next judge in the train.
If receiving photos "pre-sorted" for a train, often the order for the even numbered judges will be "reversed" (i.e.,. the "last" class, not the first is ready for judging).
As entries arrive, letting showers know their entry has been received is very helpful. Email is an easy (no cost) way of notifying. If a shower does not have email, hopefully they have included a postcard to allow you to notify them of their entry.
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