Slate Grey
Overo Mare
Customized from the Breyer Traditional Lady Phase; created in
1995 Chestnut Overo Mare
Customized from the Breyer Classic Kelso and owned by Betsy Andrews;
created in 1995; this is a portait of Betsy's (real) mare Bay
Overo Mare
Customized from the Rivera Western Pleasure Horse resin and owned
by Eileen Fabian; created in 1997 Grulla Overo Mare
Customized from the Breyer Traditional Lady Phase,
shown as "Executive Sweet," and owned by Alicia Hatch Bay
Overo Mare
Customized from the Janice Starr resin, "DocBarZip"
shown as "Mexican Frost," and owned by Chris Semon Buckskin
Overo Gelding
Customized from a Goebel mold, shown as "Cowboy
Poet," and owned by Karyl-Lynne Tirk Grulla Overo
Customized from the Janice Starr resin, "DocBarZip"
Brown Dun Sabino Overo Paint Colt
Customized from the BHR Weanling and owned by Heather Mays; created
in 1996 Dapple Bay Overo Colt
Customized from the Breyer Traditional Standing Stock
Horse Foal and shown as "Rodeo Cowboy"