empty Bay Andalusian Stallion
Customized from the Brigitte Eberl Verocchio resin; created 2003.

empty Grey Andalusian Stallion
Customized from the Brigitte Eberl Verocchio resin; created 2003.

empty Faro
Dapple grey Andalusian stallion, customized from the Breyer Alborozo; created 2003.


empty Balado Por El Cielo
Dapple grey Andalusian stalion customized from the Sarah Rose Deseoso resin. Image provided by owner Cindi Nakagawa.

empty Rey de Perlas ("king of pearls")
Dapple grey Andalusian stalion customized from the Linda York Galante resin. Image provided by owner Cindi Nakagawa.

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020