White Unicorn stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Small Fighting Stallion and owned by Melissa Addison;
created in 1994 Goldeneye
Palomino Quarab stallion customized from the Jamie
Coughlin Shagya Arab resin and owned by Jamie Coughlin
Name Unknown
Golden metallic buckskin Akhal Teke gelding customized
from the Breyer Traditional Black Beauty and owned by Sarah Clements;
created in 1993 Cordoba Skye
Grey Lusitano stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional El Pastor and owned by Margaret Thompson; created
in 1992 Mesa Grey
Grulla Mustang mare customized from the Breyer Traditional
Stock Horse Mare and owned by Sarah Clements; created in 1995 Name
Black splash mustang stallion customized from the
Linda York "Tocar" resin. Wyndwire
Dapple grey Standardbred mare customized from the
Breyer Classic Ruffian and owned by Ardith Carlton; created in
1989 Tar Heel Tara
Bay Standardbred mare customized from the Breyer
Traditional Pacer and owned by unknown; created in 1990
Candlelight Magic
Grey Miniature Horse stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional Shetland Pony and owned by unknown; created
in 1990 Name Unknown
Silver dapple bay tobiano Miniature Horse mare customized
from the Breyer Merrylegs and owned by Carrie Sapp; created in
1992 Shudanz
Bay blanketed Araloosa stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional Trakehner with a Proud Arabian Stallion head,
owned by unknown; created in 1995. Rain Dancer
Black tobiano Arapinto gelding customized from the
Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Donna Sheppard;
created in 1993 Name Unknown
Black spotted goat customized from ?? and owned by
PJ Messman; created in 1985