Name Unknown
Dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Stallion head and owned by Tory
Morgan. Gazelle
Dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer
Traditional Phar Lap with a Proud Arabian Mare head and owned
by Karen Beeson; created in 1991 RM Zujar
Dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional Legionario III with a Proud Arabian Stallion
head and owned by Mindy Binkley Sodium Haze
Dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer
Traditional Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Elizabeth Bouras;
created in 1989 Marney's Treasure
Dapple grey mare customized from the Breyer Traditional
Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Laura Von Hagel Name Unknown
Bay Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Traditional
Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Margie Johnson
Dapple chestnut mare customized from the Breyer Traditional
Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Dana Pace RM Muscat
Chestnut Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Proud Arabian Stallion, a portrait of the (real) stallion;
owned by Gay Mahlandt Rasar
Dapple bay stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional
Black Horse Stallion and owned by Laura Von Hagel Al Amand
Dapple rose grey stallion customized from the Breyer
Classic Arabian Stallion and owned by Karen Turner Pleasure
Dapple rose grey Arabian stallion customized from
the Breyer Classic Arabian Stallion by Julie Froelich and owned
by Karen Turner Name Unknown
Bay Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic
Arabian Mare and owned by Deb Lenzer Wings of Isis
Dapple rose grey Arabian mare customized from the
Breyer Classic Arabian Mare and owned by Nite Watch Farm Dreamboat
Fleabitten grey mare customized from the Breyer Classic
Arabian Mare Azreal
Dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from the
Breyer Stablemate Morgan Stallion and owned by Nite Watch Farm;
created in 1987
Mother Mercury
Bay going grey Arabian mare customized from the
Breyer Proud Arabian Mare; created 1985. Image provided by and owned by Michele Thorsteinson.
Bele Aaliz
Bay Arabian filly customized from the Breyer Classic
Arabian Foal and owned by Nite Watch Farm Akasha
Bay Arabian filly customized from the Breyer Classic
Arabian Foal with facial retouching by Strowger/Ross and owned
by Vicki Cary