Froelich is just about as famous as one can get in this hobby,
and while she was active in the 1980's, Julie was unquestionably
the most popular artist there was. For those lucky enough to find
one for sale, her pieces are just as prized today as back then,
and still very competitive by today's standards. She was revolutionary
in her level of details, adding fine veining, wrinkles and other
special touches that set her pieces apart from all others. It
was no wonder that most people, myself included, thought Julie
was the very best model horse artist there was, and I still remember
oohing and ahhing over any photo I could get my hands on of her
work. To see a piece at a show was a real treat because they were
hard to come by. Julie kept a large number of her pieces, but
thankfully she had yearly auctions filled with new and wonderful
pieces so collecters got the chance to at her new horses.
Julie gradually drifted away from the hobby as more and more of her time was taken by her other hobby, which was raising birds, but just recently (1996) released an little-publicized Andalusian resincast. Hopefully we'll see more of our hobby's greatest legend in the future, but for now, I know you will enjoy this glimpse at the vast talent that is Julie Froelich.
Update: Summer 2009: Corky Visminas and Ardith Carlton are doing a book (coming out 11/2009) on Julie Froelich and her work (this is also shaping up to be a fascinating look at the early days of the hobby!), and they want to include as many of her horses in it as possible. Everyone is invited to submit photos and info on their Froelichs; deadline is Sept. 15, 2009. Full submission details are at http://www.anisoncentral.com/rm/index.html.
Top: RM Lyonne, grey mare customized from the Breyer Classic Arabian Mare and owned by Lissa Wickham; created in 1982
Middle: Runaway Rose Boy, bay Hackney pony stallion customized from the Breyer Classic Man O' War and owned by Julie Froelich; created in 1987. A note from Janet: this is one of my all-time favorite customs from any artist hobby-wide! I *LOVE* this beautiful, snappy pony!!
Bottom: Sex Bomb Boogie, bay overo mixed breed mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Hanoverian and owned by Julie Froelich; created in 1987