KA Senor Del
Light dapple grey Lippizzaner stallion customized from the Chaney Mini Lippizzaner and owned by Marion Keefe KA
Dapple rose grey Lippizzaner customized from the
Chaney Mini Lippizzaner and owned by Lydia Beesley KA Trieste
Dark dapple grey Lippizzaner stallion customized
from the Chaney Mini Lippizzaner and owned by Kim Prentice Name
Grey Lippizaner stallion customized from the Donna
Chaney/Animal Artistry Lippizanner Stallion, for Robin Kilbury
in 2000. Jari
Dapple grey Andalusian customized from the Chaney
Mini Andalusian and owned by Anne-Li Mell KA Galardo
White grey Andalusian customized from the Linda York
Galante resin in 2000. KA Intrincado
Dapple grey Andalusian customized from the Linda
York Intrepido resin in 1999. KA Ostentar
Dapple grey Andalusian customized from the Sarah
Rose Briosos resin in 1999 for Kelly Stellmach. Name unknown
Buckskin Iberian-type stallion customized from the
Linda York Asomobroso resin in 1999. Name unknown
Palomino Iberian-type stallion customized from the
Linda York Asomobroso resin in 1999. Name unknown
Dark dapple grey Iberian-type stallion customized
from the Linda York Asomobroso resin in 1999. Name unknown
Buckskin pinto Iberian-type stallion customized from
the Linda York Asomobroso resin in 1999.
Name unknown
Rose grey Iberian-type stallion customized from the
Linda York Asomobroso resin in 2000.
Name unknown
Palomino Iberian customized from the Horsing around 'Altanero' resin; owned by Vera Kobsa of Germany. Created in 2002.
Name unknown
Palomino Dapple rose grey Iberian customized from the Eberl 'Almanzor' resin for Vera Kobsa of Germany. Created in 2002
Name unknown
Mulberry grey Andalusian customized from the Animal Artistry mini Andalusian resin done for Bobbi Devine of the USA. Done in 2002
Name unknown
Dapple rose grey Andalusian stallion customized from the Horsing Around / Linda York resin 'Asombroso' for Cheryl Elphick of Australia. Created in 2002
Name unknown
Dapple grey Andalusian stallion customized from the Horsing Around / Linda York resin 'Asombroso'. Created in 2002
Name unknown
Bay Andalusian stallion customized from the Eberl mini Andalusian for Vera Kobsa of Germany. Created in 2002
Chestnut pinto
Iberian pinto mare customized from the Linda York Majestique resin, painted by Marion Keefe, created 2004.