KA LuvUmillions
Grulla Quarter Horse gelding customized from the
Breyer Stablemate Quarter Horse Stallion and owned by Marion Keefe,
created in 1998 KA Rebel Rouser
Flea-bitten grey Quarter Horse mare customized from
the Chaney Mini Quarter Horse and owned by Marion Keefe KA
Smooth Criminal
Palomino Quarter Horse gelding customized from the
Chaney Mini Quarter Horse and owned by Marion Keefe Name Unknown
Buckskin overo Paint mare customized from the Chaney
Mini Quarter Horse and owned by Sam Helton KA Tune
Appaloosa colt customized from the Britains scratching
foal and owned by Marion Keefe, created in 1998 KA Tune
and dam KA Strange Melody
Appaloosa mare and foal customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Thoroughbred Mare and a Britains model. Owned by Marion
Keefe, created in 1998 KA Flyaway Dry
Black blanketed Appaloosa stallion customized from
the Breyer Traditional Foundation Stallion and owned by Hazel
KA 20th Century Girl
Palomino pinto Paint mare customized from the Stone
Ideal Stock Horse in 2000.
Name unknown
bay tobiano mustang customized from the 'Rondo' resin for Vera Kobsa of Germany. Created in 2002.
Name unknown
bay Chestnut mustang customized from the 'Twisted Sister' resin in chestnut for Horsing Around. Created in 2002.
Name unknown
bay Chestnut leopard Appaloosa/Mustang gelding customized from the Eberl 'Lesly' resin for Vera Kobsa of Germany. Created in 2002.
Name unknown
bay Black leopard Appaloosa mare customized from the Linda York 'No Rush' resin for Linda York. Created in 2002.