Marsh started her model horse collection with Breyers, like most
hobbyists. Her first models were the Classic Andalusian Family
horses, which she got for Christmas back in 1979, at age 8. Back
then they were just toys to her, and they looked it! After that,
Katherine started asking for Breyers for every birthday and Christmas.
By 1986, she'd collected quite a few. Like so many of us, Katherine
dropped out of the hobby during high school and college--she was
too busy and too poor!--but "rediscovered" it in 1994.
She didn't get into the full swing of it, however, until she discovered
Haynet in 1996.
Her very first customized model was done in 1981, when Katherine wielded nail polish remover to turn a palomino Grazing Foal into a pinto! A couple of years later she "progressed" to Testor's enamel paint. Finally, in 1996, Katherine read up on painting with acrylics, and she's used that medium almost exclusively ever since, though she's now picking up airbrushing.
Katherine's favorite type of model to paint is the resincast, due to its crisp detail and generally more accurate anatomy. In the past she focused almost solely on minis and micros (which caused many a hobbyist to label her as insane!), but now she concentrates more on Classic- and Traditional-scale models which are more competitive in showing, and easier to paint! In the future, Katherine plans to continue perfecting her newly acquired airbrushing skills, as well as painting all types and sizes of equines. She hasn't caught the sculpting bug yet, but at this point, she's not ruling anything out!
Katherine is no longer active in the hobby.
Top: Chestnut tobiano American Sport Horse customized from the Breyer Traditional Big Ben
Bottom: Bay roan Brabant stallion customized from the BHR resin, "Companion," and owned by Nancy Morgan