Chestnut Welsh Cob stallion customized from the Chaney
mini Welsh Cob; created in 1998 Alchemy
Dapple grey Welsh Mountain Pony gelding customized
from the Loza Electrica Small Dressage Horse; created in 1998
Wilde Kingdom
Red bay Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Semi-Rearing Mustang; created in 1998 Name Unknown
Mulberry grey Lipizzaner stallion customized from
the Hagen-Renaker Mini Lipizzan Conversano Llegada
Dapple rose grey Lipizzaner stallion customized from
the Hagen-Renaker Mini Lipizzan SMS Colby Jack
Palomino tobiano mule customized from the Moody resin
"Socrates" and owned by Kathy Kurz Name Unknown
Chestnut sabino Shetland stallion customized from
the Hagen-Renaker Mini Shetland mare and owned by Mary Lynne Carpenter
Name Unknown
Bay Quarter Horse gelding customized from the Jensen
resin, "LJ Margarita" Domino Bar
Black tobiano Paint gelding customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Quarter Horse Stallion and owned by Beth Gustas