Dapple grey Andalusian/PRE (Pura Raza Español) Stallion customized from the Jennifer Reid EL Cid resin. Created in 2005.
Name unknown
Dapple grey Andalusian/PRE (Pura Raza Español) Stallion customized from the Brigitte Eberl Arlequino resin. Owned by Linda Zaitlin.
Bay Andalusian/PRE (Pura Raza Español) Stallion customized from the Brigitte Eberl Verocchio resin.
Name unknown
Dapple grey Lusitano/PSL (Puro Sangue Lusitano) Stallion customized from the Ed Bogucki Turko resin. Created in 2006.
Name unknown
Bay Lusitano/PSL (Puro Sangue Lusitano) Stallion customized from the Ed Bogucki Turko resin. Created in 2006. Image provided by Jane Ashhurst.