Please if you have any information on these pieces.
Rearing Horse
Made from leather, owned by unknown Rearing Horse in Bay
9.5"; molded-on tack; owned by Meredith McFadden
Rearing Horse in Black
9.75"; molded-on tack; owned by Melodie Dowell. Unknown Japanese company.
Rearing Horse
7.5"; shown as "Van Dammage," Mustang stallion
owned by Barri Mayse Rearing Horse
5.25"; this horse is a copy of a Halsey
Imports model.
Owned by Barri Mayse Semi-Rearing Horse in
4"; owned by Traci Hilbert
Rearing horse in white
Made in Hong Kong between back legs in private area! Size: 5 " from touching hooves to ear tips 6" from nose to tail. Shown as Winter's Blessing; owned by Janice Williford. She is made of a very heavy plastic, not like Breyer, though. It feels fragile on the thin parts of the mane, and eartips. Also it has the swirly spirals that look like fine grooves (from the molding process?) all over its body. She is VERY white!
Rearing horse nightlight on base, in glossy white
6.5" vintage Japan working night light. There are no markings to help identify the piece, and it stands 6.5 inches tall. This is the second one I have ever seen my 10+ years searcing eBay, reports owner/photographer Vanessa Brown.
Striking out horse in chestnut with lying foal
Ceramic, about 11 1/2 inches by 11 1/2 inches. Images provided by Maggie M.