Please if you have any information on these pieces.
Shown as "Diamond Lil'", POA mare, owned by Patricia
Ohlott Cantering Horse in Palomino
Shown as "Rimrock," Mustang stallion owned by Janice
Whitcomb; circa 1950s. Cantering Horse in Palomino
8"; "Bonanza Horse," came with wagon (horse
has wheels on bottom of hooves). Marked "Bonanza" on
inside left flank, marked American Character" on inside right;
photo provided by Traci Hilbert Cantering Horse
4.75"; shown as "Sheer Folly," POA gelding
owned by Barri Mayse Cantering Horse
6"; shown as "Hi-Impact," POA gelding owned
by Barri Mayse
Cantering Pegasus
Owned by unknown
Cantering chestnut horses
Owned by Ruben & Chris. 9-10" tall; ceramic. No maker hallmarks reported.
Cantering bay on base
Owned by Diane.
Cantering Palomino
From an estate sale. I found it about 10 years ago. This mold is still in use today, so I have no idea
how old this guy might be. He has some crazing on his belly, but I don't know if that's a sign of age. About Classic size.
Owned and photos by Melodie Dowell.
Cantering bay drafter
Owned and photos by Melodie Dowell.