Please if you have any information on these pieces.
Standing Horse
in Chestnut
6" tall; photo provided by Jillian Cutright
Standing Horse in Grey
4.5" tall, has a gold "Made in Taiwan"
sticker on its belly; photo provided by Jillian Cutright
Family in Grey
Stallion: 2" tall with a red & gold sticker
on belly reads "Genuine Bond China, Japan;" Mare: 1.75"
tall; Foal: 1.25" tall; photo provided by Jillian Cutright
Standing Horse in Chestnut
Photo provided by Aliyah Ahmed Standing Horse
in Chestnut
Photo provided by Aliyah Ahmed Standing Horses
in Bay Tobiano
Made of oilcloth; photo provided by Donovan Hartley.
Standing Horse in Brown
Shown as "Gypsy Rover," Hanoverian owned by Janice Whitcomb
Standing Pony in Black Tobiano
Owned by Margaret Talbot Standing
Hunter in Dapple Grey
Owned by Margaret Talbot Standing Horse
in White
3"; owned by Traci Hilbert. Candy Evans reports this piece "is a very classic chinese design. I have several in different sizes. They come from China & I have no idea of the manufacturer's name."
Standing Horse
in Black
2.5"; owned by Traci Hilbert
Standing Pony
1.5", fetish carved from native stone/turquoise,
circa 1990's; owned by Traci Hilbert Standing Horse
1.25", fetish carved from white stone; owned
by Traci Hilbert Standing Horse
1.25", carved from bison horn; owned by Traci
Hilbert Standing Horse
1.25", chrome-plated metal; purchased from a
hobby/craft store in the 1970's and owned by Traci Hilbert
Grazing Horse
1", chrome-plated metal; purchased from a hobby/craft
store in the 1970's and owned by Traci Hilbert Standing Horse
This jointed horse is thought to have come from Germany and
was purchased in the 1960's. It has gears inside and actually
walks! Another feature of this neat horse is that when you lift
the reins so his nose comes forward his throat hollows out just
like a live horse (no knobby chunk there). And if you push down
on his back, he drops his head to graze. (description info provided
by Karren Cassavant) Owned by Nancy Zacks Arabian in
This is a copy of the Breyer's Traditional Family
Arabian Mare, made before 1950 and owned by Judy Caruso
Standing Horse
An obvious copy of the Breyer Traditional Western Horse, owned
by Debbie Shy. Denise Dugan comments: I have one, and also a black leopard prancing horse by the same company. All I can see is a mark on the inside of the legs. It is a diamond with a P in the middle and under neath is Made in Hong Kong. Standing Horse
6"; shown as "Mystic Illusion," POA mare owned
by Barri Mayse Standing Horse
6.5"; shown as "Matthias," Hanovarian stallion owned by Barri Mayse. This may be a German mold but Barri's not certain. Kathy Williams has one with an E&R Golden Crown Austria sticker. E&R was an importer who commissioned lots and brought in various maufacturer's from Germany & Austria like Kaiser, Hertwig, etc.
Standing Horse
Shown as "Steel Rampage," Thoroughbred stallion
owned by Debbie Moore
Standing Drafter in Bay
Shown as "Daleshire," Clydesdale/Shire gelding owned
by Traci Durrell-Khalife
Standing Drafter
Owned by Debbie Moore
Standing Horse
Shown as "QS Tiger Dance," Thoroughbred/Paint mare
owned by Debbie Moore
Standing Horse with Indian
8"; shown as "Tonweya," Mustang gelding owned
by Barrie Mayse
Standing Horse in Bay
Grazing horse in palomino
Photo provided by unknown
Woodgrain family
Approximately "Breyer LittleBit" size. Plastic. Owned by Lisa Aycock.
Standing "white" and brown foals
Owned by Diane.
Standing brown pinto horse
Lusterware Horse: About 5 3/4" tall and about 5" long. Owned and image provided by Melodie Dowell.
Standing trophy horse on base
This must have been made in the 1950s, because the address of the box manufacturer does not have a zip code, but an old postal zone. The horse has the name KROLL on his belly, and the base has Enterprises in relief on the inside.
The horse stands approx 7" high, and is made of black plastic, beautifully sculpted, and has a metal chain for reins; and a tissue of gold leaf is included for you to use to write your message; the heavyÊcardboard box is also a mailing container with a place on the back to write the address, and on the front it has the illustration of the horse, and reads, "AWARD OF CHAMPIONS - PERSONALIZED HORSE TROPHIE - SOUVENIR GIFT MOMENTO -Complete with Gold mark Personalizer." Image and information provided by Michael Bacarell.
Standing jointed horse
Hair mane/tail. Image provided by Richard and Kristi Lewis. Owners comment: We think it may have been in an action figure line about ten years back [circa 1998] called Soldiers of the World (Formative International).
Standing leopard appaloosa horse
No ID markers and 8.25 inches tall. Image provided by Vanessa Brown.
Standing palomino horse
No ID markers and 8.25 inches tall. Image provided by Vanessa Brown.
Standing black horse with Indian chief rider
The Indian clicks onto the horse. It fits perfectly. The horse has a line around his withers where he looks like he may have been made in two parts. There is paint coming off him but it looks like some of those white spots had been there before he started loosing paint. The Indian is stiff plastic. The horse stands 5 1/2" at the ear tips. He's about 7" long. The only writing I can find on him is between his front legs it says madeinchina. Image provided by Melodie Dowell.