Please if you have any information on these pieces.
Walking Horse
in Chestnut Tobiano
3" tall; photo provided by Jillian Cutright
Walking Horse in Bay
3" tall; photo provided by Jillian Cutright
Walking Shetland Pony in Black Tobiano
Horse in Dapple Grey
5.25" tall, owned by Mark Williamson; photo
provided by Julie Brady. Walking Drafter
in Tack
This wood-carved model was made in Germany at about
the turn of the century and was given to owner Margaret Talbot
as a gift Walking Shetland Pony in Black Pinto
6"; shown as "Plum Nelly," POA/Shetland mare
owned by Barri Mayse
Walking Horse in Bay
Shown as "Balzac," Poney de Selle Francais
(French riding pony) gelding owned by Traci Durrell-Khalife
Walking Horse
in Bay
5.25"; has red & gold "Japan"
sticker on barrel and "04" on inside of left hind leg.
Owned by Traci Hilbert Walking Pony in Bay
4"; owned by Traci Hilbert Walking Equine
Shown as "Sahara Nura," Przewalski-cross
mare owned by Beth Dickenson Standing and Walking
Photo provided by Debbie Shy Walking Horse
Photo provided by Debbie Shy. 1ennifer P reports this is a carnial prize from the 1960s/1970s.
Plowing Horse team
Photo provided by N. Fank of Germany.
Prancing metal horse
No Makers Mark; Size: 3 " from hoof to mane tip and 2 " from knee to tail. Shown as "The Black"; Owned by Janice Williford. Thoughts: He is very heavy. Not sure if he is lead, or what, but under the rough darkened finish is a copper color-could be brass. I had him before the Black Stallion movie came out, but when I saw the movie, he got named. My Aunt picked him up for me at a garage sale in the late 1970's. He has these great designs that the camera might have captured: Triangles with swirls inside on both flanks, and it almost looks like the swirls that run together down the Right side of his neck form 1999 and they are in reverse on the left side so they look like tall connecting S's. Someone on eBay had one similar, but smaller and said it was from Greece.
Walking ceramic head down foal with bell
Rare colt from ZSolnay Hungary. Nothing known about the maker except that it's very old and has changed hands many times. Images by Melodie Dowell.
Walking horse
Unknown very old toy horse. Stands 8" tall, is about 10" long and weighs a ton. Made of latex or some sort of material like that. Mohair mane and tail. Tail has a long hard material under it to hold the mohair out. It appears to be some sort of Spanish saddle. There is a halter molded into the horse's face and then a bridle over that stuck on. This horse has no coloring on his face. Blank eyes. The only marking is a sort of dollar sign type brand on his right hip. Images by Melodie Dowell.
Walking blue leopard appaloosa
Similar the Hagen-Renaker DW Thunder and is 6 inches tall. also no ID marks. Images by Vanessa Brown.
Walking chestnut pinto
It is approx 5-1/2" tall and 6" long. The bottom of the left front hoof is stamped "A66". On the inside of the right rear leg is the number "222". Acquired in the 1970s. Images by Kevin Austin.