PX Proclamation
Dapple grey Morgan stallion customized from the Moody resin, "Magnificence,"
and owned by Judith Northwood; created in 1998 PX Pendragon
Black Morgan stallion customized from the Kathleen
Moody resin, "Magnificence," and owned by Cathy Walden;
created in 1996 Name Unknown
Dapple buckskin Morgan stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional 5-Gaiter and owned by unknown; created in 1991
Chestnut Morgan stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Kim Harvey; created
in 1985. Another of Lynne's favorite pieces Formula One
Chestnut Morgan stallion customized from the Breyer
Littlebit Morgan and owned by unknown; created in 1988
Smudge Proof
Bay Morgan filly customized from the Breyer Stablemate
Standing Thoroughbred Foal and owned by unknown; created in 1989
Proof Spirit
Dapple grey Morgan mare customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Morgan Mare and owned by unknown; created in 1990
Name Unknown
Palomino Morgan mare customized from the Breyer Stablemate
Morgan Mare and owned by Carolyn Garcia; created in 1990