Black overo Paint colt customized from the BHR Weanling
and last owned by anonymous PX Whistlin' the Blues
Black overo Paint colt customized from the Liddy resin, "Twister,
" and owned by June Myers; created in 1998 PX Stop the
Chestnut overo Paint gelding customized from the
Lesli Kathman resin, "Paintomime," and owned by Debra
Hultsch; created in 1996 PX Whistle Stop
Red dun overo Paint mare customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Silky Sullivan and owned by John Malnorg; created in
1994 PX Perfectly Obvious
Bay overo Paint stallion customized from the D'Arry
Frank resin, "Mozart," and owned by Lynne Von Mayr;
created in 1996 PX Perfectly Obvious
Another view! PX Short Stop
Golden dun overo Paint colt customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Standing Thoroughbred Foal and owned by Lynne Von Mayr;
created in 1994 Name Unknown
Strawberry roan sabino overo Paint gelding customized
from the Breyer Stablemate Silky Sullivan and owned by Alisa West;
created in 1994 Dial-A Ghost
Bay overo Paint gelding customized from the Breyer
Traditional Lady Phase and sold at Northwest Congress to unknown
buyer; created in 1994 Te Tyme
Strawberry roan overo (minimal markings) Paint mare
customized from the Breyer Classic Duchess and owned by Tootie
Mueller; created in 1993 PX Calico Charisma
Bay tobiano Paint mare customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Swaps and owned by Daralyn Wallace; created in 1994
Ad Versary
Black tovero Paint stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Stock Horse Stallion with a San Domingo head and owned
by Gabriele Wild of Germany; created in 1991
Ima Believer
Chestnut overo gelding (shown as Spanish Colonial horse) customized from the Breyer Littlebit Unicorn and owned by Cheryl Ridge; created in 1988
Name Unknown
Bay overo Paint gelding customized from the Breyer
Traditional Lady Phase and owned by unknown; created in 1994
Pacific Wind
Palomino tobiano Paint gelding customized from the
Breyer Traditional Stock Horse Stallion and owned by Gabriele
Wild of Germany; created in 1984
Rainbow's End
Grulla overo Paint mare customized from the Breyer
Traditional Polo Pony by Lynne Baum and owned by Teresa Fedak
Kiss Me Kate
Bay overo Paint mare customized from the Breyer Traditional
Polo Pony and owned by Jeanne McCullough; created in 1979
Short Stop
Buckskin overo Paint colt customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Standing Thoroughbred Foal and owned by Lynne Baum;
created in 1994
Just For Laughs
Buckskin tobiano Paint mare customized from the Breyer
Traditional Hanoverian and owned by Gabriele Wild of Germany;
created in 1986
Name Unknown
Chestnut tobiano Paint gelding customized from the
Breyer Stablemate Citation and owned by Tootie Mueller; created
in 1994
Name Unknown
Black overo Paint stallion customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Quarter Horse Stallion and owned by unknown; created
in 1991
Name Unknown
Black Paint mare customized from the Laurie Jensen
Miss Kitty resin and owned by unknown; created in 2001.