Please if you have any information on these pieces.
Trotting Horse
in Light Grey
Unknown Italian porcelain shown as "Italian Stallion,"
Andalusian stallion owned by Janice Whitcomb Trotting Horse
in Light Grey
Shown as "Rite of Passage," Andalusian stallion owned
by Janice Whitcomb Trotting Coach Horse
7.25", carved from stone; owned by Traci Hilbert
Trotting Arabian in Bay
This is a copy of the Breyer's Traditional Family
Arabian Stallion, made before 1950 and owned by Judy Caruso
Trotting Arabian in Bay
An obvious copy of the Breyer Traditional Family
Arabian Stallion. Photo provided by Debbie Shy
Trotting Arabian in Grey
Made in Hong Kong across left side. Size: 4" from hoof to ear tip 4" from nose to tail. Shown as Ghost; owned by Janice Williford. Thought: Breyer knockoff Paddock Pal or Little Bits size (slightly smaller) in the Family Arabian Stallion mold. The line you see running across his side is actually the Made in Hong Kong mark!
Trotting British
Owned by Dennis Doyle
Prancing Horse in Palomino
4.25"; marked "C47" on inside of right
hind leg. Owned by Traci Hilbert
Prancing Horse in Black
6.5"; owned by Traci Hilbert
Prancing Horse in buckskin
Photo provided by Debbie Shy. This is a common "tourist
trap" souvenir; they're all made either in Hong Kong or Taiwan.
Trotting Horse in red
Made from leather, owned by unknown
Trotting Horse in cremello
Owned by Alicia who comments: it's the size of a barbie horse, but i think it may be a knock-off. i know they are from the 80's or at least i had a blue pegasus in the same pose as the unknown horse back in the 80's. i cant find anything else on these horses. if you could help i would greatly appreciate it!
Prancing Horse bookend in yellow
Owned by Kathe Bannigan