Obviously with a web site this size, more than one person is involved and has provided help to the creation and maintenance of this gallery.
A big debt of gratitude owed is to Janet Piercy who began this web site from her personal account in 1996. She worked countless hours, "singlehandedly," doing most of the research, all of the scanning and web page creation and maintenance.
Another debt is owed to AstroArch Consulting, Inc. the organization that hosted the web site for many years as it expanded and flourished into one of the top five percent of web sites on the entire web.
Then the gallery was hosted by CGI101.COM for a couple of years (as gallery-dot-modehorseweb-dot-com), so a big thank you to them.
The current curator is Gail J Berg, who took over the gallery in June 2001 after it had languished without updates for almost two years. In December 2002, the site moved to the modelhorse.gallery domain on a new, independent host.
Most of the graphics (back grounds, fonts, symbols) come from a number of free sites including:
And many others (links lost over time or never recorded)
The following links were noted in an email by Janet in the summer of 1998 and may be the source for some of these items:
Janet's acknowledgement to some of the people who helped with the "Encyclopaedia" (manufacturer/company) section:
Many, many thanks to all of you who contributed photos and writing to this project! To the photo contributors: Patricia Ohlott, Barri Mayse, Mindy Binkley, Debbie Moore, Julie Harris, Gail Berg, Laura Pervier, Elizabeth Bouras, Karen Grimm, Tricia Hilbert, Mary Ann Talbot, Teresa Fedak, Peri Riggins, and so many others who have so gratiously contributed photos. To the writers: Daphne Macpherson, Laura Pervier, and Patricia Ohlott and many others whose names you will find mentioned in writeups. And to all of you for your encouragement and warm praise, and to those of you whose names I have neglected to put here due to forgetfulness of the late hour!
Thank you to all the contributors, big and small, who have provided photos, write ups, and corrections. Including Debra Kerr of Lucky Seven Enterprises, Laura Pervier of Lone Wolf Star, Karen Grimm of Black Horse Ranch, and Melodie Dowell.
Thank you to Alice McWaters for her donation of a Peter Stone Artisan Hall Starman to support the gallery.
Thank you to Zana Goulding for prep'ing a horse as a donation for the gallery.
Thank you to the following for their donations to the Model Horse Gallery:
Thank you to all of those who send notes of encouragement to the curator - they really do help combat burnout!
Thanks to the Equine Resin Directory which helps me identify many a resin.
A big thank you to all the aritsts, artisans and customers, who provide the inspiration to make this all possible.
And finally, a thank you to you, the web surfer, who are viewing this Model Horse Gallery. Enjoy the fabulous pictures and stories behind them! Comments? You can contact the curator at . Donations are always welcome.
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