Most shows have awards for top placers and championships.
Many shows have similar awards as real horse shows, namely flat and rosette ribbons. Flat ribbons are often awarded to 1st to 5th or even 10th place in each class. Rosettes are often awarded to champion and reserve champion horses.
Some shows also include glassware and even (small) silver trays. I've been to shows that have given wine glass charms. May be you'd like to offer plaques or trophies.
What you choose is really based on your budget and/or show theme.
To save money some shows utilize used ribbons/rosettes, others use paper ribbons. Some shows use laminated ribbons to lay down next to the horse which are reused for the next class; if a shower does want a ribbon they can get one.
Based on your class list, you know how many classes, championships there are scheduled. If you have a history of holding shows, you have an idea of how many entries there may be in classes.
At a maximum, there needs to be ordered flat ribbons 1st to 10th for each class, as well as rosettes for each championship and reserve.
For 100 classes, 20 championships, I might order:
Exactly how many you might order should be based on your experience in show holding or close attention to similar shows that you've attended in your region.
There are a number of places to find awards.
You might go to a craft store and make awards.
If ordering awards, not only check online, but your local telephone book for trophy and award sources.
One of the most popular sources for flat ribbons and rosettes, Hodges Badge Company, offers a roll of flat ribbons which can be cut and may be more reasonable than purchasing pre-cut ribbons.
Most places have a period of weeks or months from the time of order until arrival. Please check with each supplier for their timeline for ordering awards to receive them in time for your show. (There may be higher costs incurred to expedite any late orders.)
Also check for a possible "early" discount. Hodges, for instance, has a "off season" reduced rate for items ordered during the winter. So if you have the seed funds, pre-ordering way in advance may reduce costs in the long run.
My recommendation is to allow at least two months of production time on awards.
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