Live Show Sponsorships

Sponsorships provide funds that offset (or cover) the expenses of running a show. Sponsorships may reduce the entry fees for showers or ensure more funds to the charitable beneficiary of the show proceeds.

Sponsorships are often in the form a direct monetary gift, but may occur as a discount or "in kind" donation.

Perhaps you'll find an organization willing to allow you to use their venue for the event at no or low cost; that organization may be considered a "title" sponsor; or a local model horse dealer says they'll cover lunch for everyone. A vendor unable to attend the show may be willing to sponsor a show table. A supportive shower may be willing to sponsor a championship. Or perhaps the copy center is willing to reduce their charge to replicated the show program in exchange for being named a division sponsor.

There are a number of different "levels" of sponsorship possible, including:

The level of sponsorship reflects the value of the sponsorship.

How to determine the amount a sponsorship is worth? At a minimum, a class or championship sponsor should cover the costs of all the awards for what is being sponsored. So possible sponsorship values might be:

For the larger levels, a percentage of expenses might also be considered (i.e., 50-100% of the amount of the venue rental for a title sponsor).

But sponsors don't just magically appear. Part of putting your promotional information and plan together includes announcement of sponsorship availability, as well as actively soliciting (one-to-one) potential sponsors for their support (especially those who do not normally participate in model horse shows).

Sponsorships should be acknowledged in your show program and on the show's web site, as well as announced during the course of the show, and thanked if you sincerely appreciate their support.

Genesis | Timeline | Philanthropy | Venue | Show Date | Class List | Judges | Theme | Awards | Raffle, auction | Vendors | Promotion | Hall layout up | Sponsorships | Finances | Program | Sportsmanship | Countdown | Running the Show | Aftermath

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